Instruct Us
Date 26 August 2024
Year of Build 2012
Casualty type Damage to Hull
Vessel Type General Cargo - VT GGC

* We have received reports that general cargo ship RUBY (IMO: 9626390) sustained hull damage during adverse weather conditions on 26 August 2024.

* The vessel subsequently diverted to Tromso, Norway as a port of refuge, under its own power, on 1 September 2024.

* Since the cargo is potentially explosive, the Tromso Port Authorities are reported to have ordered RUBY to leave the port for safety reasons and the vessel has subsequently moved to anchor off Vannoy, Norway for inspection and, possibly, repairs.

* It is possible that General Average issues may arise as a result of this incident.

* We therefore recommend that you contact us if you are concerned with the cargo on board this vessel so that we can immediately start taking steps to protect your interests.
